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Returning youth :D


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Hi all i would like to be a returning member however i drive a corsa now... with a few tricks up its sleeves :D


Story time...

Had a silver 2006 2L non-turbo for 2 years but literally did everything i could to it... made it to a few meets, met steve and a group at swadlincote Morrisons and convoyed down to the monthly meet. Tried to grab some pics on here but you cleared out your gallery and this was my last source of some snaps of it so a description would have todo - Slammed on BC coilies big brakes converted, whiteline ARBs, prodrive spoiler carbon seibon bonnet (vents left carbon, bonnet sprayed silver) genesis 18" rims and the mandatory jap cannon exhaust system :D lost it by my insurance going up as i was young when i had it and very few years on the road... oh and i rear ended someone D: 


Hope you will accept me as i am just a big car enthusiast, also would love to gate crash a sprint day the corsa will surprise you ;) 


will post a pic of my little beast when my phone decides to work...


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Hello Callum, good to hear from you. We did lose some pictures and post when the forum was upgraded about a year ago. More than welcome on the forum. Quite a few of the clubs members drive other cars as well as Subarus. Couple if the guys have bought Clio's to use on track as an example. 


I remember your your car well and the accident at the time. I think you had a charge speed or similar bonnet on the car at the time. :thumb: @Wrenny

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it was like this - https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwju2cmVm67PAhWEtBQKHQPECuQQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.motec.com.sg%2Fecomm%2Fproduct_info.php%3Fproducts_id%3D302&bvm=bv.133700528,d.ZGg&psig=AFQjCNEn8SJLrWL90ekefQ_GV9nBfxxxkA&ust=1475019815515043


but the bonnet got sprayed silver and the vents got masked off so they stayed bear carbon :D 


There was a lad on here i got talkin to last time i went up to a meet when i 1st got my corsa, he had a spec d very modified but a taxi wrote his off. When we got talkin he had just brought a electric bmw think he was called chris?


yeah the clios are cool a lad at work had a 10 plate clio cup was a very nice car on the outside and to drive but very basic to live with. 

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