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Bye bye wrx hello sti ?


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Hello not been on for a while well sold my wrx and got my self this beast ?

Very impressed with it compared to my wrx them Avcs heads don't half kick in. Well at the min car is standard but I would say still faster than my mapped wrx. So soon be visiting Andy Carr again ?post-3105-0-71635800-1425148704_thumb.jp

Edited by Dan7_wrx
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i also made the jump from a wrx to a blob sti................best move i ever made and yes avcs heads deffo help with spool.

some nice sensible upgrades should see you with 340bhp

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Yes mate well I was goin to buy a sti turbo, intercooler, injectors after I had the wrx mapped but jus could justify spendin near a £1000 and still be with outwith all the other sti extras I wanted like brembos, Avcs so sold the wrx and saved abit more money and got this best move I made . well I'm thinking about a td05 20g so hopefully get 360+ but we will see.

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Yes mate well I was goin to buy a sti turbo, intercooler, injectors after I had the wrx mapped but jus could justify spendin near a £1000 and still be with outwith all the other sti extras I wanted like brembos, Avcs so sold the wrx and saved abit more money and got this best move I made . well I'm thinking about a td05 20g so hopefully get 360+ but we will see.

if you want 360 i would advise against a 20g-very laggy,go for something like an sc36 from scoobyclinic.

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I've read few things about the td05 20g being laggy but thought would spool up better on a sti but i will look into them sc36's

your car has a vf35 turbo and that can make 350bhp on a good day,my wrx with vf35 made 354bhp so perhaps just stick with your standard turbo and add a decent de-cat exhaust/fuel pump and a re-map

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Well The car has got 3" bell mouth decat turbo back but that's it really, will be gettin fuel pump, induction kit before map

decent induction kit only mate remember,either perrin or roger clark and a walbro.

have you used andy carr before?

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Dan before you do anything seek advice . I wasted loads on scoobs over the years by listening to soo called specialists do it once do it right . Save yourself loads mate .

dont buy ebay s**te aswell,buy your parts from a decent source

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decent induction kit only mate remember,either perrin or roger clark and a walbro.

have you used andy carr before?

Yes mate had him remap my wrx mate at pole Postion which I think is a club sponsor. And yes mate Im not part of halfolds massive lol none of tha ebay crap!

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Yes mate had him remap my wrx mate at pole Postion which I think is a club sponsor. And yes mate Im not part of halfolds massive lol none of tha ebay crap!

How much did he charge and did you have anti lag/launch control etc

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Cheers GWR and yes Steve there is Defo a jump not jus in power but in price aswell lol only reason never had one in first place is Cudnt really afford it and thought a sti wasn't much more special but I can see why there's a price differnce now lol

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I certainly remember the difference when I moved up to an STi. Mind that's 12 years ago now :)

No steve you were also 10 stone lighter , that made a difference too mate

-as you eat all the pies you eat all the pies you fat b stard you fat b stard

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How much did he charge and did you have anti lag/launch control etc

Andy carr mapped my blobeye at Pole Position about a month ago and it cost me £400 and that was for twin mapps,anti lag,launch control and it's also running mafless aswell

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Andy carr mapped my blobeye at Pole Position about a month ago and it cost me £400 and that was for twin mapps,anti lag,launch control and it's also running mafless aswell

Any idea of bhp?

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