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Dvla ?? New tax system

gwr northants

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As a lot of members know on here , I bought the wife a car from a garage that broke down 45 mile from the garage , to wich I then had recovered back to the garage and was given a full refund . I had paid for 6 month tax on the said car . So I now want my money back, so I then filled in the correct paper work etc with details of the transaction , garage I bought from , my Visa card details etc etc , well after 8 weeks they have now sent out a letter saying because the car was never registered in my name I can't have my tax money back ??

The garage has sent me a letter saying exactly what happened to back up my story . Wich dvla tax department have recieved . They still won't give me my money back . I've never heard of such a blatant p**s take from the said company concerning refunds for anything . I'm still trying to get my 140 back , but it seriously looks as if I'm banging my head off a wall

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Heard a similar story to this only recently - same issues you're having in getting their money back. Be good if just for once a so called 'new system' was better than the old!

Good luck getting it sorted mate

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I had this when I sold a car on trying to claim my tax back they hide behind the post for turn around times. Keep at them bud they will do it eventually. Just a pain that you have to go through it

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Readying this worrying we going to look at a evo I caint get my head round this tax thing sitting here thinking so if we get it how do we bring it home if not taxed its miles away caint go back again after taxing it sorry to hear u got all this stress better when u would go and it had so much tax bloody job and half .

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Yeh he's made all excuses lol but really fancy one or this mint stickerd scobbie he's soon changed his mind lol I love them just some thing about them but evo nice love blove blue scobbie but thay all look the same as you I'm sure understand imnot in to understanding what's under the Binet its looks I go for hand on heart apink one with dimond s on the wheels be my dream but caint see Robster in it lol oh yeh and deffo not that cash the funds lol

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That one u had looked mint I was gonna ask to sit in it but u went out some were with ass I think u gone for a while so I got busy in side at the bar and eating fat juicey stackx yumyum

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The whole of the DVLA is in complete and utter chaos.

I sent a V62 in late November to transfer are car over to Lesley. All the correct information is on it, with the correct supporting documents and fee.

Called yesterday and they told us the V5 had been issued, but to an address that wasn't even on any of the forms ! and they said we must have advised of the wrong address !! As you can imagine copies of the forms with the correct address will be sent in a formal letter of complaint

Now they are saying its going to be another 2 to 4 weeks before the correct V5 can be sent to us !! FFS

The DVLA have to areas to worry about Drivers and vehicles and that's it

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  • 2 weeks later...


if it's any consolation, I finally got around to updating my V5 in Dec after moving last may, new V5 came in about 3 weeks no problem..... :)

What do you mean that's no consolation ???? :D

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