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is there another default lay out Admin can change for UnRead Content?


I've not been a fan of how the new layout has been since the change over, is there anyway it can go back to how it was before? (just asking)


This morning I press the small Unread Content Tab on the top right of the forum page and I see Steve has posted a load of pictures which look all individual posting filling up the whole page.




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You can create a custom activity stream. I use one that pretty much does what you want it to. 


I put out a post up about it when the new forum went live. The one I use dies filter out the gallery pictures @salsa-king

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I've already sorted that, on what I want.


It was the fact you  posted a load of photos in the same album for Rally Day, and every photos was listed in it's own 'new' post. Which meant that the whole page was full of photos.. listed as UN READ content.


Surely all the photos in the same album could have been listed in/on one post for un read contact.


It's not a major issue.. I'm just asking ;)

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21 minutes ago, salsa-king said:

I've already sorted that, on what I want.


It was the fact you  posted a load of photos in the same album for Rally Day, and every photos was listed in it's own 'new' post. Which meant that the whole page was full of photos.. listed as UN READ content.


Surely all the photos in the same album could have been listed in/on one post for un read contact.


It's not a major issue.. I'm just asking ;)


Not sure. I'd have to look at the settings for the Gallery. Its the first time its been used, so wasn't sure of the outcome. It's only when you use the built in  "Activity" button that you see them as separate posts. The same is true for all "liked" content etc. I just use my custom stream to filter it all out if I don't want to see it. That way I just see posts, new posts. The unread content button is exactly what it is. Unread !


Custom stream is the way to go :thumb: 

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