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back to doc this week


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Trial and error, every doctor has a different opinion usually too.

Guy at work has prostate cancer and has had the NHS messing him about loads.

His motto is he won't let the cancer beet him so keep that fighting spirit and you'll be fine.

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Hope all goes well for you and you get some answers.

I know exactly how your feeling, been in the same position myself. I had a Micro Discectomy on the 1st October after trying the pain killing injections that made no differance.

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just got back and he said in lay mans terms , the back warn out and all the trouble with my knee is all to do with it ,and will need a op if it goes again , so hopefully it donot go again , but i can do a bit off driveing so i will be out this week .and thanks for all the kind wishers

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glad to here you can drive again fella will c u at the meet next month lets hope it dont go again :nurse:

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That's good news then Richard, you take things easy, light duties at work, no heavy gardening or house work.... :)

cheers john not been at work for 5 months but it is good news but as said i must take it easy , only going to the pub 4 times a week not 7 times
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