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Lennox is a loveable 6 year old family member. He's an American Bull dog Labrador cross that we have owned since he was a little pup. As responsible dog owners that also foster for numerous Northern Ireland dog shelters we had Lennox as a young pup Micro chipped, Neutered, DNA Registered, Pet Safe Registered, Insured and Licensed every year with the Council without fail. On Wednesday the 19th May 2010 he was taken from our family home by Belfast City Council as they believe he falls under the dangerous dogs act for Northern Ireland. The Council, without seeking any proper professional guidance declared Lennox to be a breed of "Pit Bull Type" and so they wish to kill him simply because he has the appearance of said breed. The Belfast City Council took Lennox from his loving family home using a wrongly addressed warrant and using copyright ADBA (American Dog Breeders Association) breed standards guide which the Council were never authorised to use, in doing so the Council broke international copyright laws and for doing so have recently been issued with a 'Cease & Desist' order from ADBA Inc. Lennox has never attacked anyone or anything yet the Council have removed him from his home where he lives with my Husband, myself, our 11 year old disabled Daughter, his kennel mate Juicy a 2 year old female boxer and various foster dogs. Belfast City Council are pressuring our family to sign him over to them to be destroyed however we feel the need to fight his case, he cannot speak but we will be his voice! If this was a human we would declare this racism. We ask every kind hearted compassionate person for your support, don't let them murder him. This may be our dog today but it could be your best friend tomorrow! Please visit Lennox's main website for further ways in which you can help. Thank you for your continued support.


Venus, a Staffy cross, has a home in Kent, England, and was a year and a day old when she was seized along with her litter-sister Athena in March 2011. Their 'mum' Victoria travelled to visit relatives in Liverpool for the weekend, taking her beloved Venus and Athena with her, as she couldn't bare to be apart from them.

The police visited the home of her relatives for an entirely different matter unrelated to the dogs. Whilst the police were at the home they noticed Venus and Athena and approached them. Venus and Athena were both scared by their approach and were whimpering. The police seized both the dogs believing them to fall under the 'Pit-Bull Type' of the UK Dangerous Dogs Act. Athena was returned one week later, (in poor condition and with bad kennel cough), as they didn't believe her to be 'of type', but they have kept Venus under section 4b of the D.D.A.

Victoria has requested repeatedly to Merseyside police for information on Venus, including details regarding Venus's seizure, and for any court date, but as of the time of this petition going live (almost four months after Venus's seizure), she has not received any documentation, and the police have not been forthcoming with details by any other means. The only communication she has had with the police is when she pleads for information only to be told by them to "stop pestering with phone calls".

Venus's 'mum' is beside herself not knowing anything about her beloved dog, and Athena is also very much missing her sister as this is the first time they have been separated since birth.

Victoria is a very responsible owner, who has trained and cared for her dogs lovingly, she has also had them vaccinated, insured, micro-chipped and both dogs had appointments booked to be spayed at the Tag Pet Rescue Centre. Neither dog has ever shown any aggression towards anyone or anything. The dogs are known well by their vet who has stated that they both have a good temperament.

Please help reunite Venus with Athena and Victoria who are missing her deeply.

Thank you

Venus Petition

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Its not me. But I've been following both cases all year. I just feel both for the dogs and the owners and I know how I would feel if it was my dog. The worst thing is that in both cases the authorities have been less than forthcoming with information. The last time they did that it sparked the London riots... Maybe dog owners all over the UK should revolt.

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