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private plate....


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still doing my homework on selling the old girl. question for this week is the private plate which is currently on the car....

if the car sold, would the buyer keep the private plate on untill i send off the relevant forms and get them back..and is it ok for the buyer to go with the private plate on it????

any help would be usefull please......

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Far better and less chance of complications if you get down to the DVLA at Notts (as Lynne said) and put it on 'Retention'...cost you £25 to put it on retention and the £80 assignment fee (this is the up-front payment for putting it onto your next baby...so nothing to pay when your new car comes along!)

The Number plate always belongs to the vehicle it is assigned to...if you sell it with the plate on, then technically the new owner has claim to it...although truth be known, he would have to have the V5c (reg' doc') in his name to put it on retention himself !!!.........You could sell it and keep the V5c / MOT and Road tax disc... just let new owner know what you are doing, put the details of your intentions to retain the plate on the sales invoice and then get to DVLA and sort it afterwards.........But lets face it, you may as well get it sorted now!!!

Buyers are never keen when they take the car without all the relevant paperwork!

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