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Big Bucket.........


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dont you just love a big bucket?

Scatty will have a bucket at the sunday meet for anyone wishing to donate loose change (or more if your feeling flush :respect: ) to collect for my 3 PEAKS CHALLENGE fund raising event


this is a very worth cause for Hayward House Cancer Care Trust

thanks in advance to anyone that does donate...........much appreciated :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

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We will find the bucket at the meet sir , good luck great cause as some know my dad has cancer so ady back u 100 percent mate , mrs 17 has pink bucket if Scatty wants to use it !

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now now allowing us to use Mrs 17 pink bucket is supremely generous of you......form an orderly queue :thumbup:

1. whiteknuckleride


wonder what number the list will stopp at?????????


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