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What Scoob would you buy with 20k


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Simple question guys -

Classic and mod it to death


Bug/Blob Spec C with a few tweeks


Deposit on a Cosworth.

where would 20k on a scoob take you. :thumb:

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hmmm i would love a street sleeper , my old xr4i looked bog standard but was running 308 at the rear wheels ,

so maybe a classic fridge carrier , but with a similar lump to wot u have in the p1 mate and full Perrine's white links etc.. etc.. etc..fully caged up and seamed weleded etc,, etc,, bucket seats harnesses , be a right giggle Mr evo turns up and looks at ya scabby scoob , but hm mm im running 550bhp lol!!!so bye bye Mr fookin evo lol :rock on:

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Interesting question this one ...........

........... let me think :winkin:

LOL, you and me both fella!!!!!!!!

i'll show you mine if you show me yours..... :winkin:

not sure if your like me Marv, i really dont know where to go.

looking for inspiration.....help.

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LOL, you and me both fella!!!!!!!!

i'll show you mine if you show me yours..... :winkin:

not sure if your like me Marv, i really dont know where to go.

looking for inspiration.....help.

Think we're in the same boat - I've had the 500BHP, an array of classics, the new and the old and even a 22B - really not sure what next! Think I'll just take my time and I'll know when I see it :winkin:

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Think we're in the same boat - I've had the 500BHP, an array of classics, the new and the old and even a 22B - really not sure what next! Think I'll just take my time and I'll know when I see it :winkin:

you need to buy a sport marv :winkin:

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Nice find mr G i always thought the rb had leather seats

I was thinking the same, I thought they came with RB branded seats, perhaps they were on the extras list, I know leather was.

Whats with the advertisers comment about previous owner in his 40's!!! loads of us on here are and we are still mad and fast :winkin: Is he trying to make out once you reach 40 you become sinsible? it just means he could afford to run one.

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