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New Sponsor - Chevron Motorsport of Stafford

MS Board Admin

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M-SOC would like to welcome Chevron Motorsport of Stafford as a new sponsor to the club and Forum.


Some of you may already know Simon and his team and be aware of his motorsport presence as a sponsor of the MLR/22B sprint series.


Simon has a history of competing himself in Motorsport and has a in depth knowledge of the Subaru brand.


I am sure you will agree, that the addition of Chevron will compliment the existing range of sponsors supporting the club.


Their new section is setup up and we are sure the team at Chevron will be along to introduce themselves shortly.


The new section is here and details of how to contact them by phone or email as well as posting in the section or using the PM system. @Chevron Motorsport




I am sure everyone will make them feel very welcome to the Club :thumb:


Many Thanks


MS Board Admin


chevron motorsport Logo_crop.jpg


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