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New Events coordinator


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Just so that everyone is aware, Lucy @oscarcat2011 has agreed to become events coordinator for the club. Excellent news as Lucy is a keen enthusiast of the marque and has been a member for a while. M-SOC being the first club she joined after buying her current car.


The new position will give support to myself and Andy running the events for the club, which believe it or not do take up a lot of personal time ! 


I will continue to run some of the larger events, such as Rally day and our own yearly event at Curborough along with others, but Lucy will help support all of the events. 


I hope everyone will congratulate Lucy in her new role for the club.


As always, if anyone wants to be involved in helping to run events for the club, then please let me or Andy know. All help is appreciated and we recognise all the efforts our club members put in to making the club a success. Thoughts on new events that maybe of interest to our members are also welcome :thumb: 





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