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Can't upload pics ??

gwr northants

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Can one of the mods when they have a mo see what's the crack with my settings as all of a sudden I can't up load any pics ?? Odd very odd . I've got my latest dogging pics with jolly holly and Marv to post . Cheers mods if ya could

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Looks like you may have gone over your attachment limit

Go to your profile

My Settings

Manage Attachments and see how much you have used at the top.

If its at the limit delete some of your pictures

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Cheers Andy nice one. As steve said . At first I thought it would just be I've used up my quota of data . But I then deleted them all to no avail ?? Bit odd really . But cheers for the help Andy

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Can one of the mods when they have a mo see what's the crack with my settings as all of a sudden I can't up load any pics ?? Odd very odd . I've got my latest dogging pics with jolly holly and Marv to post . Cheers mods if ya could

Hope you got my good side Gaz!! lol

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