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Hopefully you should have noticed by now the new name, logo and skin/colour scheme.

If you experience any issue's please let me know in here and i'll take a look when i can.

I know some will not like the change but hey give it chance.

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Yes it's a lot better than the old lay out I think , but maybe that's because the old one was errr well old , top job to everyone concerned ,

And no Ady ya can't ya man hoar lol !! Will go well with your type r though mate

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I'm sure Andy is all over it but to let you know a lot of the forum sections are still called midland scoobies.....like this one for example

Midland scoobies announcements

Thanks for the feedback fella

Unfortunately the internal wording cannot be changed with a replace function it all needs looking for and replacing manually so as above please bear with me busy week at work this week but will get around to re wording all the sections etc etc as soon as i can

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I'm sure they will as I already stated......by Andy

But as Andy asked for any noted issues that's why I have highlighted it.........chance granted!

Righto Ady :)

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well i can't take your title away from you,,, hahahahaha

actual on topic question, should the url and skin have changed?

The skin has changed but you will need to logon with your laptop . The mobile version looks the same

The website is


The forum address is currently as was for the tine being

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When I log in, the home screen is M-Soc Colours, but inside still the old MS blue theme and logo?

I have re set the settings for skin selection and have recached the whole forum so this shouldn't be a issue now but please let me know if this is not the case

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I have re set the settings for skin selection and have recached the whole forum so this shouldn't be a issue now but please let me know if this is not the case

Nope,still the same for me.

Tried a different browser too, with same result.

Edited by -Stealth-
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Screen after login, then screen at login, then view of hompage.

All in Internet Explorer. The homepage banner is obscuring the text. This doesnt occur in Firefox.

On the plus side, the site is redirecting to M-SOC.com now.


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