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Getting old ?

Scooby 17

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The 30 telltale signs that you’re really getting old, according to the Daily Mail.

1. Falling asleep in front of the TV

2. Feeling stiff

3. Groaning when you bend down

4. Losing your hair

5. Hating noisy pubs

6. Thinking teachers/policemen/doctors look really young

7. Getting more hairy – ears, face, eyebrows, nose etc

8. Struggling to use technology

9. Forgetting names

10. Not knowing any songs in the Top Ten

11. Choosing clothes and shoes for comfort rather than style

12. Driving slowly

13. Developing a fondness for sherry

14. Complaining more

15. Joining the Women’s Institute/Sons of Rest

16. Misplacing glasses, bag, car keys etc.

17. Thinking work colleagues are getting younger

18. Listening to The Archers

19. Moving from Radio One to Radio Two

20. Taking a mid-afternoon nap

21. Joining the National Trust

22. Becoming a parish councillor

23. Complaining about the rubbish on television these days

24. Ears and/or Nose growing bigger

25. Preferring a Sunday walk to a lie-in

26. Being shocked by racy music videos

27. Going on a ‘no children’ cruse or holiday

28. Taking an interest in the garden

29. Enjoy being asked for proof of age

30. Knowing your alcohol limit

Be honest and declare just how many of the above apply to you!

We are both the wrong side of halfway now, under 15 = still young at heart but over 15 = getting old.

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The 30 telltale signs that you’re really getting old, according to the Daily Mail.

1. Falling asleep in front of the TV ... Yes

2. Feeling stiff ... yes but i think it all depends on were you still feel stiff :unworthy:

3. Groaning when you bend down ................. yes

4. Losing your hair ....................... NO mine turned white at 33

5. Hating noisy pubs .......................................yes

6. Thinking teachers/policemen/doctors look really young ...... yes

7. Getting more hairy – ears, face, eyebrows, nose etc............ yes

8. Struggling to use technology.................................yes

9. Forgetting names ........................................... yes

10. Not knowing any songs in the Top Ten ......Yes and wondering what ft means does nobody make music on their own anymore

11. Choosing clothes and shoes for comfort rather than style......yes never had any style anyway

12. Driving slowly .................................NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

13. Developing a fondness for sherry..................NO

14. Complaining more ....................................NO

15. Joining the Women’s Institute/Sons of Rest................No as i'm a member of the MLR and most of them are women

16. Misplacing glasses, bag, car keys etc..................... no

17. Thinking work colleagues are getting younger ............... Yes

18. Listening to The Archers...................................... no

19. Moving from Radio One to Radio Two ........................... No listen to Kerrang radio

20. Taking a mid-afternoon nap ................................... no kids won't let me

21. Joining the National Trust .................................. No love my carbon footprint

22. Becoming a parish councillor ................................ No

23. Complaining about the rubbish on television these days ........No

24. Ears and/or Nose growing bigger .............................. ERRRRRRRRR no go see a doctor :unworthy:

25. Preferring a Sunday walk to a lie-in ......................... No

26. Being shocked by racy music videos ........................... Never

27. Going on a ‘no children’ cruse or holiday..................... If only

28. Taking an interest in the garden.............................. Ha Ha no that's what the Mrs is for

29. Enjoy being asked for proof of age............................ Bit past that one

30. Knowing your alcohol limit ................................... what's one of those then

Be honest and declare just how many of the above apply to you!

We are both the wrong side of halfway now, under 15 = still young at heart but over 15 = getting old.

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I guess I must be getting decrepid I get 18/19, but agree with Lynnescoob its not driving slow, well not below 40mph

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