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Cant post images?

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I don't believe that images can be linked from facebook

I'm not sure about the hosting site you mention though

Photo bucket works as does Flickr

You can attach images to posts as files when posting, but this is limited number for forum user status, but with your club supporter status you can attach a lot more

Try setting up a photobucket account and then link in the post by selecting the img option by copying the link from photobucket that starts img and ends /img

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Photobucket or similar file sharing site is the best way and as Shrek says if you use the App it will sink all your phone pictures and then easily allow you to copy and past the picture link. I do it all the time from my mobile device very quickly



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Right as the image is a jpeg it should show in the forum

2 options as a solution is if your using the http link you'll need to add it to your posts using the image logo from the task bar as John mentions above otherwise there should be another link option that starts with img from i.imgur which should be a straight paste into the body of your posts.

Hope this helps

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